Peret Mauri, Blanca
The climate is changing, so should society. Indeed, the current energetic situation is unsustainable and climate change has become a reality. So, if we desire to continue with the current lifestyle, a quick change is necessary.
This project is a proposal to introduce photovoltaic solar energy in the “Institut Químic de Sarrià” and in this way reduce the CO2 emissions of the university. In addition, this installation will also reduce costs related to electricity and the IQS community will be made aware of the importance of using renewable energy.
First, the current energetic situation in Barcelona is studied, as well as the location and the energetic needs of the IQS university.
Second, the concepts necessary to understand the operation of one of the most important renewable energies, solar energy, are introduced. Solar radiation, the components of a photovoltaic solar installation, their classification, and the necessary regulations to carry out the installation are studied.
Third, we proceed to the proposal of the design of the photovoltaic solar installation in IQS. The type of installation is defined, and all the roofs of the university are analysed in order to determine which ones have the necessary conditions to install the panels. Next, comparing various options on the market, the panels and inverters to be installed are chosen, as well as the wiring and their arrangement on the roofs. Once the installation is configured, the photovoltaic production is calculated.
Finally, the economic, environmental, and social impact of the project is assessed. Conclusions are drawn and a series of actions are required to be carried out for the correct implementation of the project.
