DAU Institutional Repository

DAU Institutional Repository

What is DAU?

DAU is the institutional repository of the Universitat Ramon Llull, where the open access scientific production of IQS is deposited and provided.

DAU includes the university's research literature as articles in its pre-publication version (preprints or postprints), communications to congresses, research reports, working papers, end-of-degree projects, technical reports, etc.

The main purpose is to make the research carried out in the institution more visible and at the same time contribute to the global movement of depositing academic and research production on the network for free, in order to create alternatives to the paradigm of paying to have access to the information that has been prepared in the institution itself.

DAU's objectives are:

  • To increase the visibility of documents, authors and institutions that tie them and, in general, of the research produced in Catalunya.
  • To add value to documents through standardized citations, query statistics, permanent addresses and preservation mechanisms.

This application allows searches by author, title, university or research center, etc. Also, it offers the possiblity to subscribe to the alert service of a collection in such a way that every time a new document is introduced the subscribed user receives an email notification.

All documents included in DAU are freely available and are subject to the Creative Commons of "Atribution-NonCommercial_noDerivatives". This license establishes that copying, distribution and public communication of the work is allowed as long as the original author and the institution that protects it are cited, and no use is made for commercial purposes or derivative work.

To include a published article in DAU, you should consult the copyright policy of the editor and/or magazine through the SHERPA/ROMEO tool.


IQS participates in this repository by depositing scientific articles, congress contribuations, books and book chapters from IQS teaching and research staff. 

IQS Library introduces documents in DAU  in the version that can be deposited (published version, post-print o pre-print), using standard metadata that allows the data to be automatically collected and offered for consultation through DAU. This procedure guarantees the long-term accessibility of University documents. 

 If you want more information about DAU, contact IQS Library.