Carballo López, Jaume
Fañanás Herrero, Miguel
The idea of our business is to propose a solution to the need of a large part of the population to want to play football matches with friends and not have the ability to organize them properly.
Our business plan is to create amateur level 7 football leagues so that our customers can enjoy competitive and serious football without the need to belong to any federated club.
The operation of the service we offer is simple. Each day of the week (Monday to Friday) corresponds to a different league, so the teams will have to choose the day that suits them best to play the matches.
The matches, therefore, will always be played on the same day of the week, in the same facilities and at the same time, to facilitate the schedule of the participants, which will be from 20:30 to 23:00 hours, approximately.
The size of the company will be small, and most of the work will be done by us and we will only hire employees for very specific tasks, such as arbitration.
After an exhaustive market study, we estimate that in the first year we will have an income of € 76,500, € 108,000 in the second and € 126,000 in the third. However, we will have costs of € 90,054, € 96,162 and € 111,689.20, respectively.
Therefore, we would get a loss of € 13,554 in the first year, however, in the second and third year we get a profit of € 11,838 and € 14,310.80, respectively. However, all this would be without taking into account the share capital of € 32,000 we have.
