Capdevila Ortego, Alicia
So far, embryonic stem cells held the most promise in regenerative medicine, thanks to their indefinite self-renewal capacity and their plasticity at in vitro generation of an unlimited number of different cell types. However, thanks to new technologies and cell reprogramming techniques, the use of induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS) has come into play. These cells allow disease modelling and disease development research, as well as the design of individualized therapies and drug detection for the treatment of neurodegenerative, inherited and many other diseases that currently have no cure.
In this work, an investigation is carried out in which both therapies are compared through reliable scientific articles that allow us to see their strengths, weaknesses, and differences. The risks associated with the use of IPS cells in humans and above all, the development of disease models will also be discussed, as well as the different therapies developed for different disease models such as diabetes mellitus or Parkinson's disease.
IPS cells, therefore, are ideal for the study and treatment of this type of disease without having the ethical concerns that embryonic stem cells have. However, recent advances do not eliminate the need for embryonic stem cell research, as it is not yet entirely clear whether IPS cells differ greatly from embryonic stem cells. A better understanding of the epigenetic alterations and transcriptional activity associated with the induction of pluripotency and differentiation is still required for efficient generation of therapeutic cells.
