Reventós Montané, Marta
Economics and history have contributed to a positive view of the technological and productive evolu-tion that have taken place over the last centuries. Technology has changed major sectors and has allowed to transform and stimulate economic growth. The XX century began with industrial overpro-duction and culminated with globalization. On the other hand, the XXI century inherits the climate issue, being integrated into international politics from the very beginning and through summits formed by different countries designing solutions to face the global climate crisis.
However, these solutions clash directly with the way of thinking emerged after the industrial revolu-tion: more production, more activity and more wealth. Thus, leading to one clear input to confront climate change and its impacts; the change as a duty, not as a choice. Changing the current mentality and demand collective action is necessary in order to survive and ensure the well-being of future generations.
Y.lipolytica is a strictly aerobic and non-conventional ascomycete yeast to be used as the biocatalyst for a wide range of sustainable bioprocesses. Being characterized as an “industrial work-horse” for its ability to absorb different low-cost carbon sources as substrates. Also, for its potential to generate valuable products of interest for the biotechnological field. On the other hand, Single Cell Protein (SCP) is an attractive food source which can be obtained by the cultivation of Y.lipolytica; either the microorganism biomass or the protein extract derived can both be considered SCP. In terms of sus-tainability, circular economy and product valorisation; there is the demand to produce SCP through the use of Y.lipolytica and by selecting agro-industrial by-products as potential substrates.
Therefore, the aim of this project is to evaluate and screen different by-products from the food in-dustry and to design an optimal defined medium including the optimal by-product as the feedstock for the correct growth of Y.lipolytica. The experimental part will be done in, firstly, Erlenmeyer flasks and then bioreactors of 1 and 10 L; finally, the defined media offering better biomass and SCP production - in both experimental parts - will be the one selected.