Sizing Pressure Saftey Valves


Castan i Rallo, Martí  


The purpose of this thesis is the extraction and automatization of the equations used to size Pressure Safety Valves recommended by the American Petroleum Institute. These equations are available in their Recommended Practices number 520 and are useful for all types of relieving fluids. The initial step is the extraction and pruning of the document to truly understand the purpose of a Safety Relief Valve and differentiate the usage of every equation, as each of them is for one type of fluid or different flow conditions. The next step is the automatization, which has been made using the programming language C# because is the language supported by Microsoft Windows and very intuitive to use. The first adaptation of the equations is in a console application, made to ensure the robustness of the calculation engine. The next step is the adaptation of the calculation engine to a more user-friendly interface, using an application made with Windows Presentation Foundation. The robustness is verified using the examples provided by the American Petroleum Institute and has proven to be a great calculation engine, giving the same required effective discharge area in all the cases. Finally, as the program should be ready to be used to size real Pressure Safety Valves, it is tested with real emergency cases, where the life of people and equipment is in danger. The application, again, returns satisfactory results, confirming the program can be used to size Pressure Relief Valves in the industry.



Nomen Ribé, Rosa
Alós Sanz, Miquel Àngel


IQS SE - Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering

