Study of the introduction of hydrophobic textures in microfluidic channels


Amat Alvarez, Max


Since its first appearance in 1979, the Lab on a chip and other microfluidic devices gives the opportunity to revolutionize the medical and pharmaceutical system, thanks to its integration of multiple functionalities in a small space, simplicity, portability, and low cost. The integration of nanopatterns, structures commonly present in nature, in the channels of these devices could go one step forward to new applications. It is necessary to consider what manufacturing technique that are used, and what effects these nanopatterns will have. This project studies the integration of hydrophobic textures in microfluidic channels. It concludes with three insert models, the dismissal of SolidWorks as software to simulate hydrophobic effects, the simulation of hydrophobic effects on surfaces with ANSYS Fluent. Equations are also developed that relate the deviation of the velocity profile to the Shear stress of the walls. The reduction of the pressure drop in channels is demonstrated by modifying one or two walls in 2 and 3 dimensions. Finally, it is verified that it is possible to simulate the variation of velocity in parallel channels of water by modifying the slip condition.



García Granada, Andrés-Amador


IQS SE - Undergraduate Program in Industrial Engineering

