Surf Park: la primera piscina de olas de Barcelona


Aguirre González, Mikel
Llasera Sensat, Eduard



Our business idea is to offer a wave pool for our clients to practice surfing. These waves are generated through a machine that regulates the flow of water in the pool at all times to provide a perfect wave for surfing.
The idea is to provide a pass for 1 hour and offer bonuses for 10 sessions and for the whole year, working in the style of a season pass at a ski resort. In addition, we will also offer individual or group surf lessons for all levels.
The core of the business idea is this, but we know from other wave pools that have sprung up around the world in recent years that this project is not limited to simply offering a one-hour pass to enjoy the wave, but a wide range of opportunities arise within the enclosure; such as restoration, accommodation possibilities or shop, among others. The company is based in Sitges. The Surf Park management is made up of Mikel Aguirre and Eduard Llasera. Two graduate students in Business Administration with some experience and considerable knowledge of the market. The main need that we seek to cover is to satisfy the need that anyone may have when it comes to surfing. We are aware that the popularity of surfing has skyrocketed in recent years and that people are enjoying this sport more and more. To all this, there are people who, due to the area in which they live, cannot surf due to the lack of sea or the lack of waves in this particular area. This is the case in the Barcelona metropolitan area, where surges are rare. The surfing market is booming, as we have mentioned before, the audience in the broadcasts of surfing competitions grows year after year, the surfing industry is currently valued at 10 billion euros (€) and with growth expectations.



Martínez Guillén, Carmen


IQS SM - Undergraduate Program in Business Administration and Management 

