Journal Citation Reports (Q1) 2021

Journal Citation Reports (Q1) 2021


Articles published during 2021 in journals that are in quartile 1 (Q1) of their thematic category in Journal Citations Reports (Web of Science).

Select each title for further information (abstract, citations, altmetrics, etc.).


Targeting transthyretin in Alzheimer's disease: drug discovery of small-molecule chaperones as disease-modifying drug candidates for Alzheimer's disease

Cotrina, Ellen Y.; Santos, Luis Miguel; Rivas, Josep; Blasi, Daniel; Leite, Jose Pedro; Liz, Marcia A.; Antonia Busquets, Maria; Planas, Antoni; Prohens, Rafel; Gimeno, Ana; Jimenez-Barbero, Jesus; Gales, Luis; Llop, Jordi; Quintana, Jordi; Cardoso, Isabel; Arsequell, Gemma

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 15 December 2021, v.226, 113847

The Influence of organizations’ tax avoidance practices on consumers’ behavior: the role of moral reasoning strategies, political ideology, and brand identification

Matute, Jorge; Sánchez-Torelló, José Luis; Palau-Saumell, Ramon

Journal of Business Ethics, November 2021, v.174, n.2, p.369-386

The Masking game: design of activatable antibodies and mimetics for selective therapeutics and cell control

Lucchi, Roberta; Bentanachs, Jordi; Oller-Salvia, Benjamí

ACS Central Science, 26 April 2021, v.7, n.5,  p. 724-738

The Sequential action of MIDA9/PP2C.D1, PP2C.D2, and PP2C.D5 is necessary to form and maintain the hook after germination in the dark

Rovira, Arnau; Sentandreu, Maria; Nagatani, Akira; Leivar, Pablo; Monte, Elena

Frontiers in Plant Science, March 2021, vol.12, 636098

The Versatile reaction chemistry of an slpha-boryl diazo compound

Liu, Yao; Puig de la Bellacasa, Raimon; Li, Bo; Cuenca, Ana Belén; Liu, Shih-Yuan

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 8 September 2021, v.143, n.35, p. 14059-14064

Transglycosylation activity of engineered bifidobacterium lacto-N-biosidase mutants at donor subsites for lacto-N-tetraose synthesis

Castejón-Vilatersana, Mireia; Faijes, Magda; Planas, Antoni

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, March 2021, v.22, n.6, 3230

What women want? How contextual product displays influence women's online shopping behavior

Gonzalez, Eva M.; Meyer, Jan-Hinrich; Paz Toldos, M.

Journal of Business Research, February 2021, v.123, p. 625-641

Zwitterionic self-assembled nanoparticles as carriers for Plasmodium targeting in malaria oral treatment

Biosca, Arnau; Cabanach, Pol; Abdulkarim, Muthanna; Gumbleton, Mark; Gómez-Canela, Cristian; Ramírez, Miriam; Bouzón-Arnáiz, Inés; Avalos-Padilla, Yunuen; Borrós, Salvador; Fernàndez-Busquets, Xavier

Journal of Controlled Release, 10 March 2021, v.331, p. 364-375