SE-Analytical and Applied Chemistry 2021

Analytical and Applied Chemistry (School of Engineering) 2021


Scientifc articles published by PDI of the Analytical and Applied Chemistry Departament (IQS School of Engineering) in 2021.

Select each title for further information (abstract, citations, altmetrics, etc.).


9-Aryl-phenalenones: bioinspired thermally reversible photochromic compounds for photoswitching applications in the pico-to milliseconds range

Bresolí-Obach, Roger; Massad, Walter A.; Abudulimu, Abasi; Lüer, Larry; Flors, Cristina; Luis, Javier G.; Rosquete, Laura I.; Grillo, Teresa A.; Anamimoghadam, Ommid; Bucher, Götz; Nonell, Santi

Dyes and Pigments, February 2021, v.186, 109060

A Zebrafish model of neurotoxicity by binge-like methamphetamine exposure

Bedrossiantz, Juliette; Bellot, Marina; Dominguez-García, Pol; Faria, Melissa; Prats, Eva; Gómez-Canela, Cristian; López-Arnau, Raul; Escubedo, Elena; Raldúa, Demetrio

Frontiers in Pharmacology, November 2021, v.12, 770319

An Ultra-long-lived triplet excited state in water at room temperature: insights on the molecular design of tridecafullerenes

Ramos-Soriano, Javier; Pérez-Sánchez, Alfonso; Ramírez-Barroso, Sergio; Illescas, Beatriz M.; Azmani, Khalid; Rodríguez-Fortea, Antonio; Poblet, Josep M.; Hally, Cormac; Nonell, Santi; García-Fresnadillo, David; Rojo, Javier; Martín, Nazario

Angewandte Chemie: international edition, 12 July 2021, v.60, n.29, p. 16109-16118

Analytical parameters of a novel glucose biosensor based on grafted PFM as a covalent immobilization technique

Artigues, Margalida; Gilabert-Porres, Joan; Texidó, Robert; Borrós, Salvador; Abellà, Jordi; Colominas, Sergi​

Sensors, June 2021, v.21, n.12, 4185

Androgenic activation, impairment of the monoaminergic system and altered behavior in zebrafish larvae exposed to environmental concentrations of fenitrothion

Faria, Melissa; Prats, Eva; Rosas Ramírez, Jonathan Ricardo; Bellot, Marina; Bedrossiantz, Juliette; Pagano, Maria; Valls, Arnau; Gomez-Canela, Cristian; Porta, Josep M.; Mestres, Jordi; Garcia-Reyero, Natalia; Faggio, Caterina; Gómez Oliván, Leobardo Manuel; Raldua, Demetrio

Science of the Total Environment, 25 June 2021, v.775, 145671

Aqueous stability and degradation of psychiatric and neuroactive compounds and its biological activity in Daphnia magna

Bellot, Marina; Barata, Carlos; Gómez-Canela, Cristian

Science of the Total Environment, 1 December 2021, v.798, 149252

Comprehensive characterization of 76 pharmaceuticals and metabolites in wastewater by LC-MS/MS

Gómez-Canela, Cristian; Edo, Sílvia; Rodríguez, Natalia; Gotor, Gemma; Lacorte, Sílvia

Chemosensors, September 2021, v.9, n.10, 273

Differential modulation of the central and peripheral monoaminergic neurochemicals by deprenyl in zebrafish larvae

Bellot, Marina; Bartolomé, Helena; Faria, Melissa; Gómez-Canela, Cristian; Raldúa, Demetrio

Toxics, May 2021, v.9, n.6, 116

Glyphosate targets fish monoaminergic systems leading to oxidative stress and anxiety

Faria, Melissa; Bedrossiantz, Juliette; Rosas Ramírez, Jonathan Ricardo; Mayol, Marta; Heredia García, Gerardo; Bellot, Marina; Prats, Eva; Garcia-Reyero, Natàlia; Gómez-Canela, Cristian; Gómez-Oliván, Leobardo Manuel; Raldúa, Demetrio

Environment International, January 2021, v.146, 106253

Kinetics of the formation and destruction of PCDD/Fs in a laboratory tubular furnace

Palmer, D.; Pou, J. O.; Díaz-Ferrero, J.; Conesa, Juan A.; Ortuño, N.

Chemosphere, August 2021, v.276, 130175