Caso práctico de planfificación financiera. Familia Martínez Saavedra


Echeverry Rojas, Juan
Rodriguez Parodi, Adrián


The following financial planning case study has as its main purpose the search for the best financial planning alternative for a Peruvian family made up of a father, a mother and two children. The family decides to emigrate for job opportunities to Spain and located in the city of Barcelona.
Family enlists help from financial planners to reach goals financial These include obtaining a home, vehicles for each family member, continuous trips to Peru, sending remittances to the family and planning of retirement. The structure of the case will be as follows: description of the current situation of family, financial goals, alternatives to achieve goals, and quantification of the results obtained from the case.
The marriage retirement will be planned from a pension plan, own income social security and two investment fund alternatives:

- Option 1: portfolio with 60% in fixed + variable income funds and 40% in funds listed ETFs. This investment will be diversified in different sectors of the
American and world economy.
- Option 2: portfolio managed by tactical asset allocation model to various ETF's in order to demonstrate that a market timing portfolio (active management)
can generate higher returns than a buy & hold portfolio (passive management) in a long period of time.

Finally we will evaluate which is the best option for this family and we will carry out a comparison between investment proposals.



Larraga Lopez, Pablo


IQS SM - Master’s Degree in Wealth and Financial Management

