Mencos Borrás, Marta
Planas de Sola, Clara
Connecting Dots was born from the unsatisfied need of young people and students who feel disoriented due to a lack of advice, guidance or information at key moments in their lives, whether at high school, college, university or work. It is a service aimed at young people located in the Barcelona area.
The objective of the project is that the client can face his academic or work future with determination and security in the best possible way. Knowing the different possibilities that are within his reach as well as knowing himself. In this way, Connecting Dots wants to differentiate itself from the competition by making its service very accessible, reaching the final consumer in an individualized and objective manner. The service is offered through its website, an office in the Sarria-Sant Gervasi neighborhood and through free talks and conferences in schools and institutions. The client will be able to choose between the different services that the company offers and they will be given at the time and place that the client wishes.
Through the use of our service, it is intended that the client does not suffer from insecurities, situations of emotional vulnerability or erroneous decisions that could appear in case of not having the service offered by our company. The client will always have the last word and will make the decisions that he believes are most convenient for his future at the hands of qualified professionals.
The initial investment necessary to start the business activity is provided by the two partners and by three partner-collaborators, so that the sum of said investment is 20,000 euros. This figure covers the administrative procedures, the fixed expenses and the investments necessary to start the business.
According to the company's calculations, the sales volume will increase every year. The income of the first three years are; €120,000, €150,000 and €190,000 respectively. It should be noted that after analyzing the different ratios, the company is in optimal financial health. In addition, the treasury is positive in the following three years, which means that we can face the payments.
With the business model designed, the project would be profitable and we would not have any losses in the first three years. Profits account for 5.06% of sales the first year, 18.08% the second and 28.85% the third. The increase in sales volume would lead to an expansion of the business, in addition to the consequent future investments.