Martinez Balcells, Judith
Pou i Nogueras, Marçal
CulturChoc is a company that makes cookies with cultural themes from different countries. In this work we have focused on the theme of castellers, one of the most important Catalan cultural activities in our territory and which is not widely exploited in terms of the sale of products related to it. That is why we offer this food product with a good taste, with a good design and a very good image.
The business idea that we propose is based on the sale of these Castilian-themed cookies in boxes of 32 and 72 units. Both in the box and in the individual packaging of each cookie we can see how this theme is represented since each cookie will be covered with a plastic in which it will have represented the figure of a casteller. These wrappers will represent castellers of different groups and that is why in the designed drawings we will be able to see different colors and shirts.
Our target audience would be all Catalans who are interested in Castilian culture, the Castellers themselves and also those who visit Catalonia, since our product would not only cover a food need but also the need to bring a souvenir of the place they have visited (souvenir).Our product is quite competitive in the market since all those companies that make cookies would be our competitors. On the other hand, we believe that by being directly linked to this famous tradition, we can stand out and achieve a large number of sales, therefore, we have also designed a marketing strategy focused mainly on social networks such as Instagram. financial aspects, our company will be able to generate income through the difference that we obtain in relation to the manufacture of the cookie and the price of its sale, either directly to the client or to individual persons.
We have considered three possible scenarios, taking into account the volume of product that we will be able to sell: the neutral, the pessimistic and the optimistic scenario.
In the neutral scenario, the first year we expect to reach a total of 7,083 boxes sold, with revenues of 100,000 euros and a final profit of 13,119.69 euros. In the pessimistic scenario 5,667 boxes are sold and in the optimistic scenario 7,792 boxes are sold, generating income of 80,000 euros and 110,000 euros respectively.
Finally, following the neutral scenario, we have drawn up a three-year Financial Plan with which we have obtained the necessary data to confirm our good prospects for this business. The first year, we have a positive treasury of 13,119.69 euros, the second year we see how the treasury increases significantly, remaining positive of 45,170.81 euros and finally, the third year we also obtain a positive treasury and in this case it is 8,199.86 euros. In this last year the benefit that we will obtain will be much less than the previous year since we will increase our workforce and we will have more expenses than in previous years.
