Diseño de un elemento sensorizado para monitorizar el comportamiento de vías apeadas


Ginel Valero, Eric


This project consists of a real project proposed by the Madrid Metro and Comsa. In this document, we present the process and development to design a sensor that will allow to control the behavior of lanes. Initially, the requirements that the project must present are analyzed and the market is studied in order to expand the knowledge about sensors, examining if there is a suitable proposal for the project. Next, the preliminary design of the load sensor is carried out, where the stresses that will affect the sensor are taken into account. The basis of all the calculations carried out and on which decisions are made, resides in the balance that the sensor must present between the buckling instability and the yield point. Finally, a final design is specified, studied in more depth to guarantee its optimal operation.



Pérez Martínez, Marco Antonio


IQS SE - Undergraduate Program in Industrial Engineering

