Roca i Danés, Albert
The coronavirus crisis has highlighted the importance of digitization in disruptive contexts such as the current one. Economic activity has held up better in the most digitized countries: more businesses have continued to operate at the height of the pandemic, the public sector has been more efficient and quicker to help needy households and businesses, and in the digitization of homes has made teleworking possible and has allowed younger generations to continue studying at a distance.
These important technologies not only serve to cushion global shocks like the pandemic; digitization is also a key transformation in the current industrial revolution.
Throughout the work, the digital transformation in Europe and Spain will be analysed, a structural change that requires the unification of all public bodies, citizens and companies, as well as political and institutional leaders who are capable of joining forces to achieve this objective.
The first part of the work aims to expose how a former Soviet republic on the shores of the Baltic Sea became in all areas the most advanced digital society on the planet.
Next, the digital ambitions of the European Commission for 2030 are discussed based on four cardinal points: citizenship with digital skills and professionals in the digital sector, safe, efficient and sustainable digital infrastructures, digital transformation of companies and digitization of public services.
In the last part, the digital progress of Spain is analysed according to the report carried out by the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI).
“Digitization is synonymous with growth and quality employment, sustainability and inclusion. Its potential would allow GDP to increase between 1.5 and 2.5 percentage points per year until 2025 and increase the productivity of SMEs between 15% and 25%” (Fundación Telefónica, 2021).
Spain can take these new steps and lead the way without losing the historical momentum that the digitization process has provided.
In summary, this Final Degree Project consists of delving into the vision and pathways for the digital transformation of Europe between now and 2030 and in analysing the digital transition in Spain and the advances in digitization in different sectors.
