Jiménez Villoria, Alejandro
In the present work, the behaviour of the surface convection coefficient of a body according to its geometric shape is studied and the simplification of problems in unstable conditions such as the temperature gradient of an internal body to a Newtonian cooling problem is verified, when the Biot number is less than 0.1.
To carry out such a study, a model is built on which the experiments of forced convection are carried out. This model consists of a heater and a wind tunnel, so that it can experimentally measure the convection coefficient during cooling. The bodies studied in this thesis are a cylinder and a flat plate. Experiments are carried out with several samples of each figure, thus studying the results for different roughness’s and materials.
To verify the thermodynamic principles with the experimental results, simulations of the same experiments are performed in CAE programs for finite element calculation and the results are compared.
