Hotel Pallas Athenea


Cánovas Louzao, Laura



The Business Plan carried out in this work consists of the creation of a hotel focused on a specialized segment. This is a four star hotel, located in the province of Barcelona, ​​specialized and designed to accommodate women.
This is a unique proposal that we believe will generate value for our market segment, as it involves the reinvention or redesign of a service that has traditionally been standardized in terms of customer gender. However, from the origins of tourism to the present day, many hotel chains or individual hotels have created hotels focused on segments based on the type of tourism (leisure, business tourism, cultural tourism, etc.) and also concepts. innovative for specific needs. specific or with unique characteristics (capsule hotels, hotels with bubble rooms, suspended hotels, snow hotels ...). Many of them have succeeded in a highly competitive and saturated market, which needs new ideas and concepts to be perceived as unique and differentiated from the competition.
This hotel aims to meet the needs of leisure and accommodation but from a feminine point of view. In this project we focus the business on accommodation and ancillary services. However, not only do we want to be accommodation, but the hotel is designed to host certain events and celebrations.
From a strategic point of view, we want to position ourselves at a point in the market where competition has not exploded in terms of the target segment.
In short, we want to position ourselves as a female brand of leisure, accommodation and events. To achieve this positioning and create our brand, a marketing plan has been designed and positioning goals have been set in the hotel sector. In addition, an aggressive marketing strategy has been proposed, through promotions, advertising, promotions and collaborations. Although in no case do we want to compete on price in this sector, we do consider it important to sacrifice margins during the start of the project. It is a new concept, which does not have too many precedents in the country, and for a mature and consolidated market, so we believe that the promotional strategy will help us reach the end consumer. If we did not do this type of action, it would be more difficult. attract attention or be selected in a market with such a wide range of hotels.
Our main competitors will be hotels with similar characteristics, oriented to leisure and also to services for business and events.
The main source of income will be accommodation, and the additional sources of income will be the complementary services of the hotel and the lounge service.
events, coworking and conferences. Three possible development scenarios have been presented for the design of the plan: a pessimistic scenario, an optimistic scenario and a neutral one. To set prices, a study of competition has been carried out, and an analysis of tourist situation surveys (in which variables such as tourist expenditure and hotel occupancy have been analyzed).This business plan has been carried out by the author of this work and sole partner of the company. To do so, he will make a personal contribution worth 200,000 euros. The rest of the funding will come from outside. To carry out the project requires a significant initial investment and we are aware of it. For this reason, in the event that financing problems are detected through financial institutions, other alternatives have also been considered, such as financing rounds, venture capital companies and business angels. For these estimates, a possible neutral scenario has been used. According to these estimates, the impasse in terms of time is at the end of the second year. For the execution of the project will have the work, the enthusiasm and the motivation of a team formed and specialized, and with the general direction of the only partner, author of the project.



Martínez Guillén, Carmen


IQS SM - Undergraduate Program in Business Administration and Management 

