Conde Mendoza, Santiago
Enzymatic biosensors combine the biological specificity of enzymes with the sensitivity of electrochemical analytical techniques. This paper explains the architecture of these biosensors, their principle of operation, the types of electrochemical interfaces that can be used, and the different techniques.
of enzymatic immobilization that exists, with the advantages and disadvantages they present.
Polymer encapsulation is considered to be the most convenient immobilization technique, as it promotes the active conformation of enzymes and aids in their stability.
The work has explained the techniques of physical crosslinking, setting out the advantages and disadvantages they have and giving examples of hydrogels formed using these techniques. In addition, it shows the applicability they can have for the construction of electrochemical biosensors, improving the mechanical strength of the device.
Chemical crosslinking techniques have also been studied. These provide greater stability than the physical ones, the different chemical cross-linking techniques used today are presented bibliographically, once again exposing advantages and disadvantages. Special emphasis is placed on polyethylene glycol due to its properties and the fact that it is a widely used polymer for hydrogel crosslinking. Possible alternatives to the methods currently used to further improve the stability of hydrogels are also being sought. Finally, it is presented that combining both types of interactions, both physical and chemical, improves the stability and mechanical properties of hydrogels.
