Cerdans Carrió, Olivia
Soler-Roig Carulla, Andrea
The main objective of this work is the implementation of a new product in Spanish marking, developed in the IQS Final Degree Project. The product is an alcohol dispensing machine that will be marketed in the different entertainment venues in Barcelona in the first few years. For its implementation, a PESTEL analysis, a SWOT and a market analysis will be carried out that will be supported through the strategic, marketing, operations and economic plan.
The idea followed thanks to a need we found in the market. In addition to the pandemic that the whole world has suffered and all the measures that have been taken. This is the need that society has to get things quickly, and our solution is to implement the dispensing machine in nightclubs to speed up the process of getting a drink. This process is not only faster, but also cheaper for the customers and for the owners of the bar since the monthly cost of the machine is considerably less than the salary that must be paid to a person for the same service. The work is focused on a specific sector of society, which are those over 18 years of age, since minors cannot access bars where alcohol is consumed.
For this work we have analyzed the market and other factors that can influence our product such as seasonality. We have been informed of all tax issues in order to create the product and the company. We have made a three-year forecast to see the sales and income that we could make, reflecting the numbers of bars that there are after the pandemic, in addition to the possible competitors that we could have.
Through the processes that we should go through to create and install the machine, we have analyzed all the processes that must be gone through, once a person has been hired, and we have seen that at the moment it did not work out for us. In order to have other opinions, apart from our own and those of those closest to us, we contacted a professional who has several entertainment venues so that he could answer a survey and give us the answer. As we also did a survey that we answered to our friends, to see their opinion about the glasses that are sold today.
In conclusion, we could say that it is not just about creating a machine, selling it and installing it, but that there is a long process behind it. There are different contracts, legal issues and other processes that must be passed in order to practice in the market.
