Cruz Ceravalls, Fernando
Development of product packaging has a purpose in modern day that goes beyond containing, protecting, and preserving the inside. It is increasingly intertwined with advance engineering for manufacturers to utilize sustainable materials, further communicate with the consumer and reduce food waste.
The aim of this Final Degree Project is to show the evidence on the growing impact packaging has on the environment and propose a set of solutions for a food container through a design that betters its functionality and reduces the effects on the planet through prototype designing with SolidWorks software CAD.
In order to achieve the main purpose of this study, research on the different materials currently used in the food-packaging industry will be carried out, as well as their sustainable and economic viability in today’s ecosystem. Consequently, the designing process based on the chosen material, parameters established, and features and customer needs analysis will be shown intending to create a solution based on the prototype proposed. The prototype will then be submitted for quality checks through static analysis using a CAD software. Finally, an environmental impact assessment will be conducted, identifying the industries short comes and mitigating alternatives followed by a cost estimation in order to put the project into prospective and quantify the economical investment needed.
