Ribé Bachiller, Anna
Vicente Puñet, Marta
RIVI was born from the need to find different and stylish clothes at an affordable price and not have to depend on the current fast fashion that occupies a large part of the women's fashion market. It is a national women's fashion store focused on young women who want to be unique.
Our goal is to make our customers feel comfortable with our product range and at the same time not see our garments everywhere. In addition to promoting km0 products, with recyclable and/or organic materials.
Our project is e-commerce where you can buy a variety of products on our website and on our Instagram, and we will send the packages with packaging that is also environmentally friendly.
The initial investment to be able to guarantee the operation of our project will be 20,000 € to start up all the initial expenses of administrative procedures and necessary investments to be able to cover the business. After making calculations of the company, we can see that the volume of sales each year will increase thanks to a greater knowledge of the population about our brand. Income in the first year will be € 60,000, in the second year it will be € 80,000 and in the third year € 100,000.
After analyzing the different ratios our company is in a financial health situation. The cash flow is positive so we will be able to meet the payments. Based on the model we have proposed, our project would be profitable although in the first year the solvency ratio is very small, so the company could go into technical bankruptcy but in the second and third years, we could already face debts.