Author: Director: |
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School of Engineering - TFG 2019/20
Final degrees of the School of Engineering, Degrees defended in the 2019/2020 school year.
Select each title for further information (abstract, Degree, etc.).
Use of Neural Networks for the Predictive Development of Thermodynamic Properties of Ionic Liquids
Uso de la impresión 3D en aplicaciones médicas: aplicación en una fijación ósea
Author: Director: |
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Validation of Bindscan, a computer-aided protein design protocol. The case study of Methylparation Hydrolase
Author: Director: |
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Ventas y comportamiento del comprador de productos OTC en la oficina de farmacia durante el primer periodo del COVID-19
Author: Director: |
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¿Cómo emplean las empresas farmacéuticas las redes sociales?
Author: Director: |
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