SM-Quantitative Methods 2021

Quantitative Methods (School of Management) 2021


Scientifc articles published by PDI of the Quantitative Methods Departament (IQS School of Management) in 2021.

Select each title for further information (abstract, citations, altmetrics, etc.).


Design and evaluation of a user experience questionnaire for remote labs

Cuadros, Jordi; Serrano, Vanessa; Garcia-Zubia, Javier; Hernandez-Jayo, Unai

IEEE Access, Abril 2021, v.9, 50222-50230

In the opinion of scientists: are there rules in research? Pilot study on the most widespread rules of scientific research

De La Lama-Zubirán, Paula; De La Lama-García, Alfredo; Del Castillo-Mussot, Marcelo

Uniciencia, January-June 2021, v.35, n.1, p. 284-298

Question–answer maps as an epistemological tool in teacher education

Florensa, I.; Bosch, M.; Gascón, J.

Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, April 2021, v.24, n.2, p.203-225

Teaching cheminformatics through a collaborative intercollegiate online chemistry course (OLCC)

Kim, Sunghwan; Bucholtz, Ehren C.; Briney, Kristin; Cornell, Andrew P.; Cuadros, Jordi; Fulfer, Kristen D.; Gupta, Tanya; Hepler-Smith, Evan; Johnston, Dean H.; Lang, Andrew S. I. D.; Larsen, Delmar; Li, Ye; McEwen, Leah R.; Morsch, Layne A.; Muzyka, Jennifer L.; Belford, Robert E.

Journal of Chemical Education, February 2021, v.98, n.2, p. 416-425

Teaching strength of materials through "Study and research paths": invariants and differences

Bartolomé, Elena; Florensa, Ignasi; Bosch, Marianna

International Journal of Engineering Education, 2021, v.37, n.2, p. 446-460