Rovira Giner, Hugo
The business idea we propose in this business plan is simple. Our goal is to make known a technology that is widely used today, but for some reason few people know of its existence, despite using it many times a day. The expansion of the biometric market, driven by coronavirus, the advancement of technology and the willingness of both companies and governments to adapt effective security systems, paves the way for the marketing of a product that, from moment, it seems to be exclusively for large corporations and governments.
The situation of the biometrics sector offers great opportunities for companies like ours. After conducting a market analysis, we realized that, on the one hand, it is difficult to find companies that offer an information, sales and installation service to individuals, and on the other hand, the few companies. There are companies whose websites and telephone services are too deficient, for companies that sell a product that can cost more than € 2,500.00.
Therefore, we have a lot of ground to gain if we manage to carry out good marketing campaigns and a good SEO and SEM positioning, as highlighting in the searches that are carried out on the subject of our services will not be very complicated.We will differentiate ourselves from our competition through a brand image and a corporate identity that convey luxury, excellence and innovation while offering a more accessible product than the competition while offering a more personal customer service and treatment. and professional. As we have stated throughout the business plan, the great difficulty of this project is to convince our target to adopt a relatively new technology to access their homes. In order to reduce the impact of this hurdle, we have clearly defined our target audience and our marketing strategy that we want to implement. The study we have carried out has led us to the conclusion that we must focus our resources on a customer who is attracted to technology, novelty, futurism, with a certain purchasing power that allows him to focus more on functionalities and the advantages of the product more than in the cost of this one. On the other hand, marketing strategies will be our main tool to first make ourselves known and let people know who we are and what we do. Second, attract our audience. Third, to convince our "target" that our product is reliable, and provide them with more security than they have with conventional locks and more comfort.
Finally, the financial economic plan allows us to have a vision of the financial structure of the company, the capital we need to finance the idea, to know the expenses that we will have to face and above all to know the level of both monthly and annual sales that we need the project to be profitable.
