Uriach Montoro, Enrique
When a family business assumes that the next generation can simply take over the business, without even taking into account the role of the CEO, governance or the evolution of the business context, they often end in failure. This is what is called “Sequel Fallacy”. (Nick diLoreto & Omar Roman (2020)).
This Final Degree Project is a consulting project commissioned by the company GRUPO J URIACH SL, which aims to carry out an exhaustive review of the key factors to guarantee the continuity and sustainability of the family business during the generational changeover process. In this work, a review of the available literature on the challenges of Family Businesses has been carried out, and in-depth interviews have been carried out with large Spanish family businesses to make a diagnosis of their current situation and their future challenges related to change generational.
As a result of the bibliographic review and benchmarking with GRUPO FARGA and LLUCH ESSENCE, S.L company, a series of recommendations are made to URIACH to successfully face family regeneration processes in the coming years.
