Albarrán Díaz, Guillermo
Vilá Bel, Ramón
Cooking King is a company that was born in the city of Barcelona given the growing consumption of food at home, following the trend of creating ghost kitchens.
Existing establishments that provide this type of business focus on offering a wide variety of types of food and focus their resources on producing large quantities. Prioritizing the volume of orders and leaving behind an excellent quality in the products and the preparation of the dishes.
Our Dark Kitchen is created in order to satisfy a booming market influenced by the Covid19 pandemic, focusing mainly on offering a quality product and service, thus differentiating ourselves from the vast majority of our competition.
€215,000 is needed for the creation of the company and its start-up, as well as having enough liquid at our disposal to be able to face possible losses. The capital is contributed entirely by its founders in equal parts, 107,500 euros each.
Regarding our profits, the company expects to pass the profitability threshold in the month of May of the third year, that is, in 2024. We believe in an exponential forecast, going from a turnover in the first year of €208,897 to total sales of €299,533 in the second year and finally, a total of €408,080 in the third year, that is, an increase of 48.8% from the first year to the third. Sales forecasts are positive given the short-term impact it is expected to have on the company. In terms of net profits, we expect to have a positive result from the third year with total earnings of €24,791.2 forecasted at work.
The founding partners of the project are; Ramón Vilá Bel and Guillermo Albarrán Díaz, both students of Business Administration (ADE) at the Sarria Chemical Institute of Ramon Llull University. Both, as directors, will form part of the company's Board of Directors and will be in charge of making decisions regarding business activity.
We are convinced that this project is profitable, given the growing trend of this type of kitchen and the great demand for food at home, adding to it the lack of quality product in the preparation of dishes by a large part of the competition.
