Xam-Mar Jiménez, Ramon
In this work, a solution is developed to the polluting emissions produced by two-stroke cycle motorcycles and mopeds, which lack the environmental mark granted by the DGT. The work stems from the situation created by municipal ordinance 19SD0123NT, which prevents the circulation, vehicles that do not have the environmental label, in the low emissions zone of the city of Barcelona.
The current innovations made to two-stroke engines are studied, and therefore it is decided to design a kit that includes the components necessary to transform the classic carburetion feed into an electronic injection system, thus reducing fuel consumption and polluting emissions. The purpose is to be able to extend their useful life, reduce the emissions they produce, and offer an economically viable solution to the users of these vehicles.
Using Lotus software, models are configured based on the technical specifications of motorcycles and mopeds that were marketed before Euro II, that is, they are not eligible for the environmental label. From here, operation tests and gas analysis are carried out, to know in some way the behavior of an engine of these characteristics when it is fed by injection. The components necessary for the modification are dimensioned, adapting to the existing products offered on the market. The work includes the calculations made.
Finally, a study is carried out where some of the options available to a user of one of these vehicles are contemplated, including the estimated costs of these, in addition to the budget for the modification.
