Author: Director: |
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Undergraduate Program in Pharmacy (GF)
Final degree projects for the Undergraduate Program in Pharmacy (School of Engineering).
Select each title for further to expand information.
Consumer Perception Towards Sustainable Over-The-Counter (OTC) Products
Covid-19 y las Empresas de la Industria Farmacéutica: Impacto en el posicionamiento y la percepción del paciente
Author: Director: Torrecilla Gumbau, Mònica |
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Cytostatic drugs as a potential risk in surface waters
Author: Director: |
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Desarrollo de plan de empresa para la puesta en el mercado de Libmanucumab
Author: Director: |
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Desarrollo de una plataforma de producción de vacunas de ARNm para enfermedades infecciosas, como SARS-CoV-2 o VIH, en GMP
Author: Director: |
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Descubriendo nuevos disolventes eutécticos profundos a partir de compuestos perfumísticos
Author: Director: |
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Designing strategies for an efficient Nucleic Acid loading of mammal extracellular vesicles es gene delivery systems
Author: Director: |
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Desinfección de bacterias sensibles y resistentes a antibióticos. Comparativa entre cloración y ácido peracético
Author: Director: |
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Detecció de bacteris resistents a antibiòtics en aigües d’estacions depuradores
Author: Director: |
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Development of Machine Learning algorithms for Breast Cancer prediction
Author: Director: |
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