Author: Director: |
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Master’s Degree in Analytical Chemistry (MQA)
Final Master's degree for the Master’s Degree in Analytical Chemistry (School of Engineering).
Select each title to expand information.
Análisis de impurezas elementales en productos farmacéuticos por ICP-OES
Análisis y caracterización de saponinas en plantas medicinales
Author: Director: |
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Aplicación de herramientas de control estadístico de procesos para el estudio de temperatura y humedad relativa en instalaciones de IQS
Author: Director: |
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Caracterización de materiales de embalaje y protección de Bienes Culturales por FTIRM y SEM y determinación cromatográfica de COVs en los materiales y en espacios destinados a la Conservación de Patrimonio
Author: Director: |
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Characterization of monoaminergic neurochemicals in the different brain regions of adult zebrafish
Author: Director: |
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Desarrollo de un método analítico para la determinación de diferentes familias de contaminantes orgánicos en agua de mar mediante extracción en fase sólida utilizando cartuchos Oasis HLB + GC-MS, GC-ECD y UHPLC-MS/MS
Author: Director: |
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Development and comparison of methods for the nitrosamine analysis in different APIs by means of UPLC-MS/MS
Author: Director: |
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Development of an analytical method based on LC-MS/MS for the determination of perfluorinated compounds in fish samples
Author: Director: |
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Development of an analytical method based on LC-MS/MS for the determination of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites in wastewaters and emissaries
Author: Director: |
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Effects and impact of drugs of abuse on the behaviour and metabolic profile of Daphnia magna
Author: Director: |
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