School of Engineering
Scientific production (articles, thesis and patents) of the IQS School of Engineering.
Select each title for more information.
Engineered microtissues for the bystander therapy against cancer
Enginyeria de glicosintases derivades de quitinases GH18 per a la polimerització de quitooligosacàrids
Tags: IQS Thesis 2019 , School of Engineering
Enhanced photoelectrochemical and hydrogen production activity of aligned CdS nanowire with anisotropic transport properties
Entrapped transient chloroform solvates of bilastine
Authors: Journal: |
Erlotinib promotes ligand-induced EGFR degradation in 3D but not 2D cultures of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells
Essential Mycoplasma Glycolipid Synthase Adheres to the Cell Membrane by Means of an Amphipathic Helix
Estimation of industrial emissions during pyrolysis and combustion of different wastes using laboratory data
Estudi teòric-experimental del comportament interfacial de mescles aquoses d’èster metílic a pressió atmosfèrica
Estudio de biosensores electroquímicos basados en inmovilización enzimática
Tags: IQS Thesis 2019 , School of Engineering
Estudio de la reactividad a alta temperatura de aleaciones ligeras sobre recubrimientos cerámicos
Tags: IQS Thesis 2020 , School of Engineering , Open Access