Mussini, A.; Hally, C. ; Viappiani, C.; Nonell, S. ; Agut Bonsfills, M. ; Abbruzzetti, S.
One of the emerging global health threats is the drug-resistant microbial diseases that could cause millions of deaths each year by 2050. A very promising tool to tackle antimicrobial resistance is photodynamic therapy that exploits the ability of a photosensitizer to generate oxidizing species upon illumination to kill bacteria. The research activity in this field is very active and, following this approach, we aim to develop a targeted theranostic agent where a protein is used as a “modular” carrier, transporting a fluorescent photosensitizer, and an antibody to confer selectivity to the photodynamic effect.

Il Nuovo Cimento C: Colloquia and Communications in Physics, July-October 2021, v.44, n. 4-5, 122