Databases and other resources


The World Bank's DataBank is an analysis and visualization tool containing time series data collections on various topics. You can create queries; generate tables, graphs and maps; and save, embed and share them. You can also query microdata (sample data), many of which are freely available, and information about the World Bank.

Open access






The World Trade Organization provides access to the official documents of the WTO's councils and committees as well as to a range of other resources, such as databases (many of them with open access), trade statistics, economic research, WTO publications, videos, audio, photos and “legal texts” (the body of WTO agreements that collectively form the legal framework of the WTO).

Open access






Web of Science is a database of bibliographic references of journal articles, which provides access to current and retrospective information of author abstracts and citation indexes of more than 12,000 international publications in the fields of science, social sciences, arts and humanities.

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