School of Management
Producció científica (artícles, tesis i patents) de la School of Management d'IQS.
Selecciona cada títol per ampliar informació.
New Models used to Determine the Dioxins Total Amount and Toxicity (TEQ) in Atmospheric Emissions from Thermal Processes.
On the importance of sustainable human resource management for the adoption of sustainable development goals
On the relationship between audit tenure and fees paid to the audit firm and audit quality
Parcours d’étude et de recherche : une étude sur les chemins minimaux
Passive, non-systematic search as an alternative to systematic search in opportunity discovery
Personal mèdic i d’infermeria en algunes economies
Tags: Articles IQS 2019 , School of Management , Open Access
Població i riquesa
Tags: Articles IQS 2019 , School of Management , Open Access