School of Management
Producció científica (artícles, tesis i patents) de la School of Management d'IQS.
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A holistic approach toward sustainability performance: the role of the human and financial factors
Tags: Tesis IQS 2020 , School of Management , Open Access
A Poset-generalizability method for human development indicators
A Poset-generalizability method for human development indicators [CORRECTION]
A study and research path for the study of simple and compound interest notions. Um percurso de estudo e pesquisa para o estudo das noções de juros simples e compostos
An empirical examination of the influence of a e-commerce on tax avoidance on Europe
An online course to teach ATD research praxeologies: the ICMI awardees multimedia online resources
An overview of “bridging courses” from the ATD perspective
Análisis a posteriori de un REI-FP como herramienta de formación del profesorado
Tags: Articles IQS 2019 , School of Management , Open Access
Armilles grogues
Tags: Articles IQS 2019 , School of Management , Open Access